Case Abstract:
Living Workshop is a socially engaged workshop of crafts, design, architecture and urban gardening. Its headquarters are located in Krakow (Poland) and it works for the local community. It organizes craft workshops and creative activities in the field of regional, cultural and environmental education. People at risk of social exclusion are invited to take part in these activities. One of the initiatives is the “Wrona i Kompany Social Bicycle Workshop”. It creates a workplace for social and professional integration and activation, where people from different background (handicraftsmen, street workers and people with homelessness experience) meet to be, experience and create together. This workshop carries out comprehensive inspections and repairs. New bikes, repaired or built from parts, are given to the people in need or sold to raise funds for further activities of the workshop. The total income from the activities is allocated to the implementation of the project of social inclusion and professional engagement of people experiencing homelessness.
Teaching Faculties:

Professor Iwona Lupa-Wójcik
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Iwona Lupa-Wójcik, Ph.D. – Doctor of economic sciences in the discipline of management sciences. Implementer of many research and practical projects related to social media marketing. Beneficiary of numerous scholarships. The main performer of scientific grants dedicated to social media. An active participant in numerous nationwide and international conferences devoted to management, marketing and social media, including European Conference on Social Media (ECSM). A member of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
She has ran a business for many years related to, among others, consulting and has developed marketing strategies for companies and business plans. Provides social media services for business clients. Entrepreneurship trainer, salesman, marketing and business strategy specialist. She is entitled to numerous certificates of completing courses and training related to marketing (including internet marketing, social media marketing), sales and running a business.

Professor Dorota Murzyn
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Dorota Murzyn, Ph.D., D.Sc.- Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation of the Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland). Lecturer and researcher with 18 years of experience. Her expertise covers mainly regional development, EU funds and policy, economic policy, social innovation, social entrepreneurship. Author of many publications on EU policy and social economy/entrepreneurship. She’s been involved in many EU funded projects, both as project manager, investigator, contractor, and consultant. Currently the project manager in INN@SE – Innovative Social Entrepreneurship with Youth Engagement. She has long-term experience in working with youth, providing courses and training for students in Poland and (in the past) Sweden, Greece, Spain, Norway and Turkey. Member of Regional Studies Association (UK). Member of the Social Economy Development Committee in Małopolska region.

Professor Marta Czyżewska
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Marta Czyżewska, Ph.D. – Trainer, lecturer and researcher, provides training in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship creation and development of startups, business plans development, with particular emphasis on risk capital investors (venture capital, seed capital, business angels), innovative activities financing.
Research focused on financing innovations and conditions of entrepreneurship development.19 years of experience as a trainer, lecturer and researcher. Doctoral thesis „Private equity funds in financing high-risk” defended in 2006 at Warsaw School of Economics.
Former manager of seed capital fund – responsible for the implementation of processes related with venture capital investments: business plans preparation, budgeting, financial and profitability analysis, marketing strategies, due diligence, legal and tax aspects related with capital investments, companies establishment, monitoring the fund’s portfolio, participation in the supervisory boards.
Owner of Training, Research & Development Marta Czyżewska under which she also links universities and companies for different kind of projects and common enterprises.

Professor Wojciech Maciejewski
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Wojciech Maciejewski, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Economic Policy of the Pedagogical University in Krakow. Member of the board of the Naooka Association. Project manager of project “Enterprising and Socially Responsible Citizen” addressed to primary school students.
16 years of experience as a lecturer mainly in the field of economic sciences. He has took part of the Erasmus Program as a lecturer in Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland and Hungary. In 2010 he participated in an internship at the American University in Washington DC.
Research interests concern the areas of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial features, decision issues and factors affecting the success of business ventures. Author and co-author of tens scientific articles. Co-author of book E-learning in university didactics – assumptions, experience, recommendations (published in 2016), Social entrepreneurship, innovation, environment (scientific editor, published in 2019).