Case Abstract:
Suzuhiro, a food company located in Odawara, Japan, has more than 150-year history and Suzuhiro is both an industry and regional leader.
Mr. Suzuki, CEO, has a strong interest for eco and sustainability since early 2000s and he has been trying to incorporate these factors in his organisation, though the rest of board members always rejected his proposals. However, his strong passion for sustainability proved his approach, especially the time of COVID-19. Since Suzuhiro has been prepared for every virus infections, they could run business smoothly, while other companies were struggling to have masks and other items to run their business with safety and health.
While getting recognition for sustainability approaches he took, he is extending his vision from his company to his region, Odawara city. He starts to discuss with mayor of Odawara. His vision is that we can establish win-win solution between companies and city to provide new services for workers who hesitate to work in metropolitan area and want to work remotely in a space where has both environmental and psychological safety. This case will explore how powerful leader’s vision and purpose driven company are, even in the time of COVID-19. This case investigates how leader should place a concept of “sustainability” in his management policy and how to balance “Doing Good” and “Doing Well” both in ordinary time and crisis management.
Teaching Faculty:

Professor Takehiko Ito
NUCB Business School
Takehiko Ito has been engaging on NUCB Business School as an Associate Dean and Professor as well as professor in Leadership and HR at NUCB Undergraduate School since 2006. Prior to NUCB, he has been an executive in global management consulting firms, such as Mercer and Right Management. He is specialized in Leadership, Training, HR, Global Management, and Sustainability. He published four books in local and his recent serialization is CHROs capabilities at Japan Association for Chief Human Resources Officers ( In addition, he leads Global Leadership Skill Centre who provide executive command for potential woman leader in Japan. He also engages Silk Road Project, where the project aims to develop ESR (Entrepreneur’s Social Responsibilities) concept, with Zhejiang University and other universities in the world as a key member.